Organisational Structure

The Friends of Palestine Society (FoP) came into existence after an intense recognition process in the second term of the 2007/2008 academic year. Subsequently, 2008/2009 was the FoP’s first full academic year as a student society. With an impressively expanding membership base and wide range of activities the organisational structure of the FoP is also in need of expansion. The outgoing committee has formulated a new organisational structure which came into effect in the 2009/2010 academic year.

The new structure is based on the need to effectively facilitate the FoP’s aims and objectives. The central objective of the FoP is to raise awareness among the student body about the past, present and ongoing human rights violations occurring in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Foremost, this is done by campaigning, educating and fund-raising. Additionally, to expedite these efforts excellent communication between FoP and other societies, the Guild of Students and the university is essential. These, then, are the four specific Executive Committee (EC) positions. Consequently, these four positions will focus upon their specified area, while leading a committee of students interested in that specific area. The EC will, in turn, be led by the FoP President.

Executive Committee Officers Descriptions:

Chairs the Executive Committee meetings and holds final responsibility for the FoP’s activities; Maintains overview of the overall progress of the FoP; Assists and directs Officers where needed and appropriate.

Education Officer:
Chairs the Education Committee meetings and holds responsibility for its activities; Maintains overview of the overall progress of the Education Committee; Assists and directs students active in the Education Committee where needed and appropriate.

Finance Officer:
Chairs the Finance Committee meetings and holds responsibility for its activities; Maintains overview of the overall progress of the Finance Committee; Assists and directs students active in the Finance Committee where needed and appropriate.

Campaigns Officer:
Chairs the Education Committee meetings and holds responsibility for its activities; Maintains overview of the overall progress of the Education Committee; Assists and directs students active in the Education Committee where needed and appropriate.

Communications Officer:
Chairs the Education Committee meetings and holds responsibility for its activities; Maintains overview of the overall progress of the Education Committee; Assists and directs students active in the Education Committee where needed and appropriate.

Committees Descriptions:

Education Committee:
Meets in order to discuss and organise educational events. The focus of these events is on increasing students’ knowledge of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in general, and the human rights violations occurring in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in specific. Such events can target both students previously unaware of the basic elements if the conflict and those who hold a more comprehensive understanding.

Finance Committee:
Meets in order to discuss and organise fund-raising events. The focus of these events is on raising funds to further enable the FoP to raise awareness among the student body. Additionally, events can also function as fund-raisers for charities involved in addressing human rights violations in the Occupied Palestinian Territories. Ensures the FoP finances are properly organised and no deficit of funds develops.

Campaigns Committee:
Meets in order to discuss and organise specific campaigns that engage with the student body. The focus of these campaigns is on increasing students’ knowledge of the Israeli/Palestinian conflict in general, and the human rights violations occurring in the Occupied Palestinian Territories in specific. Moreover, these campaigns will attempt to reach certain specific goals, as opposed to merely educational events.

Communications Committee:
Meets in order to facilitate a constant and stable flow of information within FoP. As such, it maintains contact with the other three committees. Moreover, it maintains the FoP web-site to ensure communications towards the non-active member base is maximised. Also maintains links with other student societies, both within the University outside, ensuring the FoP is aware of the relevant or similar activities of other student societies.